Jewish Study and Exploration

Torah Study at the Santa Fe Jewish Center

Discover your Jewish heritage, broaden your knowledge, and discuss relevant topics with others in our multi-faceted community. No previous experiences or knowledge necessary. All are welcome!


Ancient Wisdom of the Talmud for Beginners
Mondays 5:00-6:00pm 

Delve into the intricate web of Jewish law and lore and explore the beautiful tapestry of Talmudic logic that has gripped the imagination of scholars, philosophers and theologians for 1,800 years!
RSVP [email protected]


Weekly Torah Portion Study
Mondays 6:00-7:00pm 

Explore the depths of the weekly Torah reading with textual analysis and Kabbalistic insights. Ancient wisdom for modern times.
RSVP [email protected]


Read It In Hebrew!
Tuesdays 6:00-7:30pm Sept 10 - Oct 8

Get ready for the High Holidays with a Hebrew reading crash course! Learn to read Hebrew in just five sessions with this acclaimed course from Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.



Kabbalah of the Parsha
Saturdays 9:30-10:00am 

Uncover the hidden dimension in the ideas and insights found in the weekly Torah portion. Understand the creation and Creator in a deep, meaningful way. RSVP [email protected]


Online Study

Tour our online library and resource center and enjoy classes, blogs, stories, lessons, recipes, audio, and video for all ages!
click here 



Torah Is Our Life!
Join us as we explore 3,300 years of Jewish wisdom together!