Fasting and Praying for LA!


The Ice Menorah rebuilt! But no more kindling 😕 🕎


Why did it take 8 days to get new oil for the Temple?


Are you struggling? Does ISRAEL mean to struggle?


Keynote address by a DEAF RABBI to 6,500 leaders!



Rabbi abducted and murdered by terrorist. What can we do?


What's your legacy? Will you live on forever?


Manhattan Ave. Deli is OPEN Wednesdays and Thursdays!
Abraham and Jewish Hospitality



3 Lessons my dear mother taught me


Why we NEED to dance and celebrate this Simchat Torah!


Yom Kippur - It's All About Relationships


Are you ready for Rosh Hashana?
How about Simchat Torah?



Tefillin, honey, bees, and beepers.
Can one click of a button make such a difference?



His father was injured in the helicopter crash in Gaza.
He's coming to pray in Santa Fe



The Deli is opening September 22! Cirel has flown to Israel!
The bees and honey for the kids!



On the campaign trail.... are you ready for the High Holidays?


Major News for the Santa Fe Jewish Community!!!


Indian Market 102 is Here! What intrigues you about it?


Are we headed to WWIII? What's Your Vision?


My New Bee Hive and Rashi...


What Netanyahu missed in his speech


Where do you find a good Jewish lawyer?
The Beautiful Santa Fe Jewish Wall Calendar



What I Learned From a 101 Year Old Woman in the Hospital


Mazal Tov!! How the Rebbe cared for me as a young boy


The Great Debate. The Spies. Holiness in the workplace.


A brit for our grandson! But what about the girls?
How do they make their covenant with G‑d?



Stand up and be counted! Congratulations to Cirel on graduating high school!


Santa Fe Museum and Galleries defaced with anti-Israel graffiti 😡😡


65 Leaders from 22 States Converged on Santa Fe! Wow! The Energy! The Joy!



Shabbat Shalom from Kalispell, MT and St. George, UT - the rabbis are here!


Why are 50 rabbis descending on Santa Fe?


We are free from Egypt. Now what? An invite to dinner!


Have you ever made Gefilte fish?
Why do products have to be Kosher for Passover?



The Secret of the Matzah!


Purim - the day our true self comes out to the open.
How do we carry that further?



10 Reasons Why You Should Celebrate Purim in Santa Fe!


Our daughter Sara is engaged! and Purim is almost here!


What did he see from the crevice of the rock on a mountain?