Are you upset that Meow Wolf canceled Matisyahu's concert??

This Week at the Jewish Center!
Candle Lighting
Candle Lighting Times for
Santa Fe:
Friday, Feb. 16
5:28 pm
Torah Portion: Terumah

Santa Fe Jewish Center-Chabad•

Rabbi's Message
Matisyahu Cancelation

Wednesday evening, Jewish Reggae Singer Matisyahu was set to hold a sold-out concert at Meow Wolf in Santa Fe.

After the sound-check, without discussing with him, Meow Wolf canceled the concert. The reason? Their antisemitic staff walked out and would not staff the concert because Matisyahu is Jewish and supports Israel!

Pure antisemitism in Santa Fe.

This was not a last-minute decision, this was a planned attack, carefully orchestrated to hurt Jews. Plain and simple.

So far Meow Wolf has been silent about the incident other than notify the concert-goers that the concert is canceled, and tickets will be refunded. It's a shame.

If you had tickets to the concert, we would like to chat with you and discuss what we can do.

We invite you to join us today for Shabbat services and dinner with other frustrated and angry concert goes, to connect, sing, pray and discuss a proper response. 6:00pm this evening.

We also celebrate the miracle of the rescued hostages who we have been praying for! Luis Har and Fernando Marman!

Sunday's Women's Circle brunch was uplifting and meaningful! Thank you Paul White for helping us create beautiful glass fusion jewelry!


Today is the birthday and yartzait of our dear leader Moses 3,416 and 3,296 years ago. How did this affect the Haman's plot 800 years later? Find out tonight at Shabbat dinner!

Join us also Saturday 9:30am for Kabbalah study, 10:00 services, 11:00am Torah reading, and 12:30 for Kiddush luncheon.

We offer our condolences to Barry Paisner on the passing of his beloved father Hymie Paisner Alav Hashalom. May G-d comfort you among all mourners of Zion and Jerusalem!

Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Berel and Devorah Leah

Thank you NM Senator Jeff Steinborn for your paryers and actions for Israel.

Rabbi's Message
Jewish Women Mega Challah Bake 3/3 

Rabbi's Message
Contact Congress

Urge them to support aid to Israel!

Recent Photos
Recent Photos!
Service Times
Shabbat Service 

Friday Night

6:00pm Services and Community Dinner

Shabbat Day

9:30 am Kabbalah Class

10:00 am Services

Kiddush and Luncheon

12:30 pm - Farbrengen 

Mazal Tov!

Moshe ben Amram our Teacher

Levi Yitzchak Wolowik ע"ה

Mazal Tov!
Mazal Tov!

Happy Birthday!


Daniela Kestelman

Betsy Smith

Hilary Schacht


May G-d bless you with much health,
happiness, and Jewishness this year!

Rabbi's Message
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This Week @
This Week @
Hebrew Word of the Week
What Can the Hebrew Word for “World” Teach You?
Ordinary People, Extraordinary Stories
My Son’s Last Letter From Gaza
An interview with the father of Ben Zussman, who wrote: "I am happy and thankful for the privilege that I had of protecting our beautiful country and the people of Israel."
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Parshah in a Nutshell

Parshat Terumah

The name of the Parshah, "Terumah," means "Offering" and it is found in Exodus 25:2.

The people of Israel are called upon to contribute thirteen materials—gold, silver and copper; blue-, purple- and red-dyed wool; flax, goat hair, animal skins, wood, olive oil, spices and gems—out of which, G‑d says to Moses, “ They shall make for Me a Sanctuary, and I shall dwell amidst them.”

On the summit of Mount Sinai, Moses is given detailed instructions on how to construct this dwelling for G‑d so that it could be readily dismantled, transported and reassembled as the people journeyed in the desert.

In the Sanctuary’s inner chamber, behind an artistically woven curtain, was the ark containing the tablets of the testimony engraved with the Ten Commandments; on the ark’s cover stood two winged cherubim hammered out of pure gold. In the outer chamber stood the seven-branched menorah, and the table upon which the “ showbread” was arranged.

The Sanctuary’s three walls were fitted together from 48 upright wooden boards, each of which was overlaid with gold and held up by a pair of silver foundation sockets. The roof was formed of three layers of coverings: (a) tapestries of multicolored wool and linen; (b) a covering made of goat hair; (c) a covering of ram and tachash skins. Across the front of the Sanctuary was an embroidered screen held up by five posts.

Surrounding the Sanctuary and the copper-plated altar which fronted it was an enclosure of linen hangings, supported by 60 wooden posts with silver hooks and trimmings, and reinforced by copper stakes.

Learn: Terumah in Depth
Browse: Terumah Parshah Columnists
Prep: Devar Torah Q&A for Terumah
Read: Haftarah in a Nutshell
Play: Terumah Parshah Quiz


Today's Quote
Today's Quote
When my master and teacher [R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi] was in a state of d'veikut (lit. "attachment," a trance-like state of ecstatic cleaving to G-d) he would cry out: "I want nothing at all! I don't want Your 'garden of eden,' I don't want Your 'world to come'... I want nothing but You alone."
— Related by Rabbi Schneur Zalman's grandson, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch

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