Wednesday evening, Jewish Reggae Singer Matisyahu was set to hold a sold-out concert at Meow Wolf in Santa Fe.
After the sound-check, without discussing with him, Meow Wolf canceled the concert. The reason? Their antisemitic staff walked out and would not staff the concert because Matisyahu is Jewish and supports Israel!
Pure antisemitism in Santa Fe.
This was not a last-minute decision, this was a planned attack, carefully orchestrated to hurt Jews. Plain and simple.
So far Meow Wolf has been silent about the incident other than notify the concert-goers that the concert is canceled, and tickets will be refunded. It's a shame.
If you had tickets to the concert, we would like to chat with you and discuss what we can do.
We invite you to join us today for Shabbat services and dinner with other frustrated and angry concert goes, to connect, sing, pray and discuss a proper response. 6:00pm this evening.
We also celebrate the miracle of the rescued hostages who we have been praying for! Luis Har and Fernando Marman!
Sunday's Women's Circle brunch was uplifting and meaningful! Thank you Paul White for helping us create beautiful glass fusion jewelry!
Today is the birthday and yartzait of our dear leader Moses 3,416 and 3,296 years ago. How did this affect the Haman's plot 800 years later? Find out tonight at Shabbat dinner!
Join us also Saturday 9:30am for Kabbalah study, 10:00 services, 11:00am Torah reading, and 12:30 for Kiddush luncheon.
We offer our condolences to
Barry Paisner on the passing of his beloved father Hymie Paisner Alav Hashalom. May G-d comfort you among all mourners of Zion and Jerusalem!
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Berel and Devorah Leah

Thank you NM Senator Jeff Steinborn for your paryers and actions for Israel.