
Tisha Be'Av

  • In light of the situation in the Holy Land, we are all praying and doing more mitzvot for the situation to turn around, so that Israel should be victorious and the world become a peaceful place for all.

    Monday-Tuesday, August 12-13, is Tisha Be'Av - the ninth of Av, which marks many tragedies in our history. Most notably, the exile of our people and destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem 2,446 years ago, and the destruction of the second 1,956 years ago (the expulsion from Spain in 1492 took place on this day as well).

    This year the tragedy of the day is amplified, as the enemies of Israel around the world have risen again to try to harm us and many nations are standing with the instigators.

    We need prayers, Torah study and mitzvot more than ever.

    I hope you can join the community as we fast, pray, mourn, reflect and hope that Almighty G-d redeem the world.

    Here's what we will be doing Monday:

    • The fast begins today at 7:55pm
    • 6:00pm - join us for a light meal
    • 6:30 - Torah study- Lamentations
    • 7:30 - final meal eggs and ashes
    • 8:15 - services and Lamentations


    • 10:00am-11:30am services and Torah reading followed by kinot
    • 5:30-7:00pm - Mincha with Tallit and tefillin
    • Fast ends at 8:22pm

    Please let us know when you can join us.

    May this day be transformed from sorrow to joy this year! 

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