Join us for our 22nd annual Purim Celebrations!
Wed. Feb. 28, 6:30pm - Megillah reading
Thur. Mar. 1, 9:00am - Purim Services & Megillah
Thur. Mar. 1, 5:00pm - Grand Purim-in-India Dinner!
Multimedia Megillah Reading!
Scrumptious India-Themed Dinner!
Live Music with the New Mexican Klezmerados!
Pianist Deborah Unger, on the new Baby Grand Piano!
Costumes Encouraged!
All-you-can-eat Hamantachen and L'chaim!
Mishloach Manot Exchange!
Purim Charity for the Needy!
Separate, Simultaneous
Children's program
Lovedeedoo the Clown!
Magic Show! Balloon Twisting! Games and more!
Santa Fe Jewish Center Chabad
230 West Manhattan Avenue
$20. $18 before 2/25
Children 4-12 $10/8. Under 4 Free
Students of Hochberg Kids Club Free
$180 Sponsor - Includes Four Tickets
Sponsored in part by Steve and Jane Hochberg